Recommended Study Abroad Destination

Experience a side of Japan different from the urban areas here in Kagawa.
The low cost of living and a minimal number of natural disasters makes it a great place to live.
Kagawa is also very welcoming to international students.



Interviews with Vocational School International Students


Ms. Pham Thi Hau

A Safe Place with Few Natural Disasters


Ms. Pham Thi Hau

Country of origin: Vietnam

I wanted to study in Japan, so I got online and researched where would be good.
I learned that Kagawa Prefecture is a safe place with few worries about typhoons or earthquakes, so I made my decision.
Compared to where I'm from in Vietnam, the risk of typhoons in Kagawa is very low.
By working together with Japanese people, I learned that they are incredibly kind and dedicated, and they are easy to work with.
If you want to work in another country or have an interest in another country's culture, then I think that you should study abroad and have that experience.
Life is short, so I definitely recommend trying it.


Mr. Pradhan Prashant

I Want to Continue Living in Japan


Mr. Pradhan Prashant

Country of origin: Nepal

I studied Japanese for the first two years after coming to Japan.
I've always liked cars, so I decided to enroll in a vocational school to learn about automobile maintenance.
At first, I had no experience and didn't know anything about automobile maintenance.
It was really difficult and I also got quite frustrated with myself.
At this company, my colleagues and seniors treat me as a friend and teach me things.
I'm able to work comfortably and ask questions when I need to.
They teach me using easy-to-understand Japanese, so I'm able to enjoy my work.
If you like cars and have an interest in this kind of work, there are schools in Japan and I think you'll be able to get a job here easily.
What I want to do in the future is to continue living in Japan and doing my maintenance work.


Ms. Suresh Khattri

Lower Cost of Living Compare to Big Cities


Ms. Suresh Khattri

Country of origin: Nepal

I think the cost of living in Japan is high, but Kagawa is much cheaper than big cities like Tokyo, so I've never really had any trouble with living expenses.
I do just about all the hotel work here, including greeting guests at the reception desk.
I like everything about my job, but what I especially enjoy is talking with our guests.
I came from Nepal to work here, so I often get asked about Nepal and talk about it.
I think there are a lot of interesting aspects to this job.
Every day I meet new people and have new experiences, and it makes me feel that my work has meaning.
